Square of the Angel, 14 Bientina
Tel 0587-758411

Note: the Tower exhibitions and art exhibitions are held throughout the year, organized by the Municipality of Bientina.


It is the tower located on the northeast side of the territory that was once surrounded by walls, the ancient fortress called large or Belvedere, then the crusher tower.
Near the fourteenth-century structure, a pentagonal base, there is still a low arc and obtuse: the ancient port of Bientina. This tower was definitely the keep or tower of the city, joined by a tongue of the fortress walls.
Until the mid-nineteenth century had a clock dial, which played without the hours of the French, that differentiating between the counting period, morning and postmeridiano. It has been completely restored and returned to public use by the municipal administration in 1997.
Spread over three floors plus an outdoor terrace where you can observe the panorama of the town. Inside were set up three spacious rooms: Ground floor large hall for meetings and conferences, the first floor was located the town library that includes more than 3,000 volumes. Adjoining the library was placed the Historical Archives of the City, ranging from 1402 to 1866.

Di Pisaonline è un portale turistico sulla città di Pisa è della famosa Torre pendente. Fa parte del network di portali su Pisa by in rete dal 1996.

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