National Museum of the Royal Palace – Pisa
Address: Lungarno Pacinotti, 46
Postal Code: 56123
City: Pisa
Location: Pisa
Phone: 050 926511
Fax: 050 500099

The National Museum of the Royal Palace is situated on the Lungarno Pacinotti, in a sixteenth century palace designed by Buontalenti that was for centuries the court and residence of the royal houses of the Medici, Lorraine and Savoy. The building was renovated in 2001, recovering areas and links with the adjacent buildings that made up the complex of the grand ducal court.

Designed as a museum of the court costumes and Pisa, the museum preserves the look of a patrician residence, with the furnishings and furniture of the XVII-XIX, and collects many examples of families who lived here: paintings, portraits, furniture, tapestries , armor. We mention in particular the wardrobe of the Medici tapestries, Flemish and Florentine manufacturing, and the ancient armor of the Game of Bridge dating from the XV and XVII. Worthy of note is the valuable section of the predella from the altarpiece of Saint Nicholas of Tolentino, painted by Raphael in 1500.


From Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 15.00
Saturday 9.00 to 13.30.
Closed Tuesdays and Sundays.
Access to the museum is allowed until 30 minutes before closing.


• Full € 5.00
• Concessions (18-25 years, and teachers) € 2.50
• Free for college students (Letters ind.archeologico, Cultural Heritage and Architecture, after presentation of the book), EU citizens, under 18 and over 65 years.

Combined ticket with the St. Matthew National Museum
Full € 8.00

Museum Management: Novamusica.

Directions from Pisa Central Station

Lines 2, 4, 13.
LAM Green Railway Station Pratale Dir.2 – Subway Pacinotti 1

Di Pisaonline è un portale turistico sulla città di Pisa è della famosa Torre pendente. Fa parte del network di portali su Pisa by in rete dal 1996.

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