Villa of the Four Seasons
Because of the statues
Farmhouse San Casciano-

Note: also known as the Villa of the statues, is privately owned and open to visitors only from the outside.


Located very close to Villa Zalum, it differs from it in the smaller size and the characteristic facade decorated with a series of small statues, which, according to tradition, is derived the name of the building. <Br /> Owned, in first decades of the nineteenth century, the Minetti family, was later sold to the House of Charity of Charity of Pisa, however, left the usufructuary Mrs. Perelli Villa Maria Grace, widow Minetti.

Di Pisaonline è un portale turistico sulla città di Pisa è della famosa Torre pendente. Fa parte del network di portali su Pisa by in rete dal 1996.

Centri termali Pisa

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